Jim Johnston

June 16, 2014

Universal contingencies

We know that no two people behave in exactly the same way – even identical twins.  Each person’s repertoire is unique because no one can have […]
June 1, 2014

What I hear you saying

One of the more exciting aspects of being a behavior analyst is our take on verbal behavior, widely viewed as the centerpiece of the human experience.  […]
May 14, 2014

What is remembering, and why don’t we remember when we were toddlers?

I started this post because I wanted to address the second question, but it quickly became apparent that my answer required first dealing with a more […]
April 23, 2014

The lesson of King Sisyphus

In Greek mythology, King Sisyphus was apparently a pretty nasty fellow.  When Zeus had finally had enough, he arranged a punishment in which Sisyphus had to […]
April 2, 2014

Where this is going

There’s a lot to like about retirement.  Every day seems like Saturday, not that there isn’t plenty I need to be doing.  If I don’t get […]